101 Last Day Prophecies!
The Bible foretells many signs that would culminate in the last days. Jesus indicated these signs would arise together as His return drew near (Matthew 24:33-34). Though many of these prophecies won't climax until the tribulation period, our generation is the first to see every trend in place. As the final seconds of this age tick away, these events will come into even clearer focus.
Keep in mind as you read through this list that theses prophecies were penned 1900 to 3500 years ago! How does this relate to you? The last several pages provide the answer - you need to read them carefully.
101 Last Days Prophecies is a 30-page booklet from Eternal Productions that was designed to catch even the casual glance with it's glossy cover, and professional artwork… but better still ... the contents can be life saving!
Inside is PROOF, laid out simply, that the Bible - which declares History in advance - is truly the Word of God. It also includes the hope that is available to all.
This booklet matches referenced end times prophecies with recent or "on the horizon" fulfillments that will demand the attention of those unacquainted with God's awesome Word. They will be able to see detailed prophecies unfolding right before their eyes. It also encourages believers… reminding them of God's promises.
We believe this booklet to be a powerful witnessing tool, as it only takes one remark concerning current events, to open the door to share the love and grace of our Creator to a soul in danger of eternal judgment.
Prophecy validates the Word of God, so put it in their hands!

- Author: Jim Tetlow
- Format: Paperback Booklet
- Optional 10 Pack Set
- Publisher: Eternal Productions
- Pages: 30
Customer Reviews:
"I can't begin to relate the impact this witnessing tool has had! It has been well received by prisoners in jail, by fellow co-workers who are not saved, by fellow church members who had no idea of the times we are in!!! ALL of the responses are positive! Jailers are reporting return phone calls from released prisoners offering them thanks! Co-workers have begun an earnest search for the TRUTH by going to the various web sites provided! Church members are awakening from their slumber --- and are finding Christ again with a renewed Love! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
(B. P. - CA)
"The 101 Last Days Prophecies booklet has been so useful and well received among those who are incarcerated. Prisoners generally have little access to teaching on prophetic events so they eagerly read it and then pass it on to others. The size of the booklet also makes it convenient to mail to those who need to hear about end time events."
(N. L. - VA)
"Thank You for these 101 last days prophecy booklets! What an eye opener! It makes not only a good tract for witnessing but it also has taught me a great deal more about the signs of the times. I think if more people could just know all these amazing things in God's word more eyes would be open and more people saved. I will be passing these out for sure!"
(C. C. - NJ)
"We like using this booklet because of the simple format. It is easy to read and makes a great witnessing tool because anyone reading it can easily see the prophecies being fulfilled thus confirming the Truth of the Bible."
(J. R. - VA )
"" I'm teaching in Revelation now and we have several Bible College students in attendance! The timing of receiving this information could not be better. Please pray that more would come to the knowledge contained within this book and it would lead to their repentance."
(L. B. - Jerusalem, Israel)