Although the original events depicted in this classic from the drug infested, gang dominated streets happened over thirty years ago, the life-changing solution that David Wilkerson brought to desperate lives was just beginning.
"The Story with the solution to the most pressing problems afflicting youth. David Wilkerson's Courageous Mission. Nicky Cruz's Dramatic Conversion."
The beat goes on. The change in the life of notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz, as shown in the film, proved to be wonderfully lasting and real. Nicky continues today to reach young people around the world with the same life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ that delivered him from violence and despair. And what about the skinny preacher, David Wilkerson, who braved the meanest streets of New York to tell desperate and drug crazed youth that there was a better way? Now, three decades later, he is still at it with a ministry based in Times Square that is still changing lives and offering genuine hope to countless souls who had given up on life.
Now in over 25 languages, The Cross and the Switchblade, starring Pat Boone and Eric Estrada, is one of those rare films that has shown its unique power to connect with the deepest hopes and fears of youth around the world. It remains today one of the most compelling stories of love, grace and the truth that no one is ever so far gone that they cannot find the way out.
"Both Pat Boone, and especially Erik Estrada, do a fine job acting in this one! The music is a little dated, but that's not the point of the movie. The highlight is seeing the respectable preacher turn around the hearts of many hardened gang members. It has its funny scenes as well, like the girl singing the song and the gang members taunt her. Most of all, it's an inspiring movie based on a true story. The Lord works in mysterious ways and anybody's life can change for the better!"
(W. L. - CO)
"I've heard about this show before, and just watched it, and plan on watching it again before the night is out! This movie is great. I expected to be let down, but it moved me like few other films have. It tells the story of God's love through a Christian witness like no other modern film that I've seen. This is a classic."
(M. K. - Covington, KY)
"Stimulating Movie! I think that the message and drama of the movie are a good match. It is always good to see non-believers respond to the claims of Jesus. The music is from the 60s, but fits the movie as well."
(H. L. - Little Rock, AR)
"This is an awesome movie! It's a great teaching tool and opens people's eyes to "street life" and how God can reach anybody! I was very pleased with this movie."
(M. M. - Visalia, CA)
"Very awesome and powerful movie. The acting may be a bit on the poor side, but this is an awesome and powerful movie. I am giving it all 5 stars because of the power I believe this movie has. Please watch this movie. You will be moved."
(D. H. - Chicago, IL)