Since 1979, Jesus Film Project has been committed to presenting the gospel message to the world. As we celebrate 40 years of media ministry, we press forward unwavering so that everyone may know the true account of Jesus. Now translated into more than 1700 languages, JESUS is shown using evolving technologies to help everyone see and hear the life-changing truth of Christ. Worldwide, viewers are invited to experience transformatioal freedom of following Jesus.
Begin by viewing the classic feature, JESUS. Filmed in Israel and now the most translated film in history, it faithfully accounts the life of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke.Magdalena: Through Her Eyes reveals Christ's heart for women. This film follows the life of Jesus and his interaction with several women, including Mary Magdalene.Jesus: Through Children's Eyes portrays the life, death and resurrection of Jesus as seen through the eyes of children. This film is a favorite of children and adults.
You hold in your hand a representation of the power of media to reach everyone, everywhere. Through these three films, you are equipped to engage the world with His message of reconciliation and life transformation. From cities to villages, we can help reach people yearning for freedom found only in Christ.Now you can share these films in over 1.700 languages and watch more than 30 of our other films on the Jesus Film Project app jesusfilm.org/app and jesusfilm.org/watch. If you are convinced of the power of the Word made visible, join us as we bring people face to face with Jesus... in every tribe and every touchscreen.