Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation's founding in The American Heritage Series. For centuries, we were taught a providential view of American history that presented our godly heroes and the moral foundation upon which our nation was built. However, in recent years, a new version of history has assaulted the fiber of our nation, censoring the core values of our past - until today!
From separation of church and state to the civil rights movement, from the heroism of our founding fathers to the building of our nation's monuments, this series will inspire every American to reclaim the godly, true story of our nation.
America: this is your heritage!
In this informative 'interactive' DVD series. Learn why history matters, hear the inspirational stories of our great Black Patriots and Founding Fathers, and much, much more with issues such as separation of church and state, the Civil Rights Movement, our nation's monuments and our educational system.
This informative and entertaining collection of 10 DVDs contains 26 episodes for a total of 12 1/2 hours of viewing information.
As seen weekly on TBN, Cornerstone, & other national networks. Closed captioned.
·Episodes 1-3: "Why History Matters & Unearthing America's Christian Foundations"
·Episodes 4-5: "The Faith of Our Founding Fathers"
·Episodes 6-8: "The Ideas that Birthed Our Nation, Our Biblical Constitution, & Is America a ‘Christian Nation'?"
·Episodes 9-10: "Church, State, & the Real First Amendment"
·Episodes 11-13: "Influence of the Bible in America & How Pastors Shaped Our Independence"
·Episodes 14-16: "When Religion Was Culture, Faith in Our Early Courts, & Myths of the Judiciary"
·Episodes 17-19: "Evidence of America's Spiritual Heritage"
·Episodes 20-21: "Four Centuries of American Education"
·Episodes 22-24: "Great Black Patriots, From Bondage to the Halls of Congress, & The Civil Rights Movement"
·Episodes 25-26: "The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values & The Duty of a Free Citizen"
David Barton is the founder of WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. He serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the U.S. Supreme Court, an has been directly involved in the development of the history and social studies standards for states, such as Texas and California. David is also an author of numerous best-selling works and a national award-winning historian who brings a fresh and accurate perspective to history.
"David Barton has done his homework. How refreshing to learn the facts that are sadly omitted in today's public schools. All our kids should learn this to fully appreciate the heritage of this great county and what was in the hearts of our nation's founders. Learn what you should have been taught and gain a new pride and love of our country and why these truths must be taught, lest we forget and become unrecognizable as America. If you have SkyAngel TV, you can watch these shows on The Golden Eagle Channel. "
(G. C. - TN)
"This is a remarkable series. My eyes were opened like never before to the greatness and rich godly heritage we all share as Americans. I highly recommend this DVD series."
(S. T. - CA)
"Everyone who lives in America should see this! It reminded me again of how far away we have drifted from the faith and traditions of the founding fathers."
(H. G. - MA)
"I learned so much… and so did my children. This is a "must-see" for you and your families! "
(B. B. - NY)
"I only wish that these wonderful DVDs could be shown in our public school system. The very fact that they cannot because of "political correctness," illustrates how far we have strayed from the path that our fore-father's laid out in the constitution."
(P. S. - UT)
Join Christian historian David Barton and former Texas legislator Rick Green as they advocate for the original intent of our founding documents in this one-of-a-kind, 4-DVD set on the meaning and purpose of the Constitution. Go article by article through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and learn more about executive orders, the Electoral College, the powers of Congress and the President, freedom of religion, and more. Shot on location at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Constitution Alive is a truly unique opportunity to regain an intimate knowledge of the Constitution every American citizen should have.
Closed Captioning
643 Min. - Five Doves - Dove "Faith-Friendly" For Ages: 12+
The Dove Foundation Review:
Constitution Alive is a wonderful four-DVD set that brings the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and a world of information to life. Each DVD focuses on a different aspect of the Constitution, on which Barton and Green elaborate. Watching this video series is just like taking a course on these important topics.
This series is very educational and well presented. Teachers could utilize it as a classroom tool or an entire course on the Constitution of the United States.
Every American should watch this series.
Disc 1: Introduction: Our Purpose and Approach overview
Disc 2: Congress, the articles, and the presidents and expounds on the differences between limited government and small government, jurisdiction lines, and the topic of marriage
Disc 3: Four Judicial Myths, First Amendment: Freedom of Religion, and the Bill of Rights. includes lessons on impeachment, inalienable rights.
Disc 4: Teaches how amendments go through the process of becoming ratified. Interestingly, 10,900 amendments have been proposed, but only 27 amendments have been added to the Constitution. The final sections examine “The Amendment Process” and “Duty of the Citizen.”