In this episode, Nathan and family travel through Southern California to find tree frogs, turtles, water bugs, newts, and three different snakes. They share how these amazing creatures have adapted to the environments God has given them. Nathan and family go hunting over mountains and through streams to find these amazing creatures.
Learn about God’s created creepers in the reptile and amphibian world through this new DVD series, Creeping Things. Herpetologist, Nathan Hutcherson, with his son and daughter, take you on an adventure, hunting down and finding these amazing creatures.
Nathan Hutcherson is one of those bizarre people who was created with an innate fascination for every creature that creeps, crawls, or slithers through our world. He's been catching, photographing, keeping, studying, and working with reptiles and amphibians of all types for decades. He was handling venomous Copperheads and Timber Rattlesnakes by the age of eleven. As an adult, he put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ and began to comprehend God's glorious creation, discovering that science confirmed the biblical account. Nathan's experience as a herpetology lead him into professional rattlesnake (and other snake) removal from homes and businesses, as well as teaching rattlesnake safety courses for local government agencies. Nathan currently runs Creeping Things Ministries, writing books and articles about creeping things, and conducting live animal shows. Nathan, his wife, and two children liver near Santee, California where he is Assistant Curator at the Creation and Earth History Museum.