We are all at our best when it counts. But what are we like when no one's looking? That's where character comes in… being consistent even when it doesn't seem to matter.
Courage. Discipline. Vision. Endurance. Love. These character qualities are quickly becoming endangered. All too often we hear of marriages falling apart, governments lying, businesses cheating and scandals rocking the church. But with God's guidance and strength, we can maintain character that lasts despite temptations and troubles.
"This book is one that has really challenged me to evaluate my character. I use it and recommend it often. The straight forward and thoughtful approach is affective. There is a temptation to make excuses for ourselves and others when we display character flaws. And our society winks at "whites lies" and "small sins" , but God holds us to the highest standard. Read this when you are truly ready to honest with yourself."
(G. T. - MI)
"I have never been disappointed with a book by Bill Hybels. This latest read is certainly no exception. Hybels addresses eight qualities of Christian character: courage, discipline, vision, endurance, tender love, tough love, sacrificial love, and radical love. He opens and closes his work by stressing the importance of having the character that only Jesus Christ can produce. Hybels is easy-to-read, yet profound in his biblical teachings. I've read many books on Christian character, and this one is among the best."
(D. B. - WV)
"I love this book, an easy read and with the workbook it's a good book for a study group. I couldn't find it in bookstores or the library near me."
(P. M. - VA)
"I was in church one day and noticed a young person had this book with him and all I could think about is that is what I need to read. So without rushing out to a book store I got online to Amazon and found it. Now all I have to do is find more time to read it."
(S. S. - IL)
"I find this book good for Christians and non-Christians... since the author talks about discipline for anyone who might need to refresh life, renew the old attitudes, etc. it was helpful for me."
(J. R. - GA)