Two Magazines that Fully Explore The Jesus Controversy in History… And the Case for Intelligent Design! Both Illustrated with Dramatic Photos And Contemporary Graphics! Y-Jesus is a contemporary magazine that deals with the tough questions about the man who has influenced history more than any other, Jesus Christ. Some of the questions it addresses are: How does Jesus Christ differ from other religious leaders such as Buddha and Muhammad? Did Jesus even exist? If he really did exist, is The Da Vinci Code right when it claims his deity was a fabrication of Constantine and the fourth century church? And is the Jesus Seminar right when they state that his miraculous deeds are legendary? Is there really any evidence for Jesus' bodily resurrection, or has the case gone cold after nearly 2,000 years? Some skeptics believe it is all just a Sunday school story. If so, it has deceived billions. Many believe that Jesus Christ was merely a great religious leader. Is that conclusion possible? Many who viewed the brutality of The Passion of the Christ movie wonder why Jesus willingly went through all the pain and agony of the cross. Are there solid answers that we can understand---or is it just a mystery?
These and many other questions are dealt with factually and head-on in Y-Jesus, a single-issue magazine that deals with the evidence regarding the most controversial person who ever lived. This outstanding publication will help both youth and adults understand the evidence regarding Jesus Christ and his radical claims.
In the Y-Origins single-issue magazine, we reveal what leading scientists are now saying about the big bang, DNA, and the intricate complexity of life. The scientific evidence from over 100 leading books and publications is summarized in Y-Origins in an easy-to-read manner. Y-Origins has been reviewed by PhDs in astronomy and biology, as well as members of the intelligent design community. You don't have to be scientific to understand the main issues of the intelligent design vs. accidental evolution debate.
These 100 page, full-color, 8.5X11 magazines, illustrated with dramatic photos and contemporary graphics, will help both youth and adults understand the Jesus controversy and the two opposing sides of the intelligent design issue so that their decisions about God and their purpose in life can be based upon solid intellectual facts.