Reports of paranormal and super-natural activity are on the rise worldwide.
For instance, tens of millions visit, apparition sites hoping to encounter the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Many believe that these increasing manifestations signal the advent of a new era on earth.
Thousands of messages from the apparition of Mary indicate that we are entering a critical moment in world history - cataclysmic changes may soon occur.
Those who follow the apparitions believe Mary has come to turn us back to God, while others insist that these events are either fabrications of the working of Satan.
"This movie was really, really great. I think it would be an incredible tool for reaching Catholic people because it is very gentle in the way that it exposes the Catholic church and the lying signs and wonders, and is formatted in a way that is reminiscent of ETWN or other Catholic resources. It doesn't harshly condemn, it simply provides Scripture after Scripture."
(P. J. - NY)
"It's not Mary's fault, as she enjoys her own reward in Heaven, but, as this DVD shows, Satan uses her image to derail the worship of millions of well-intentioned Christians from the True God. The key is that the Bible predicted and shows that the "Queen of Heaven" will be Satan masquerading (see Jeremiah & Revelation). This DVD is a must for anyone interested in the questions about Marian apparitions."
(R. B. - NV)
"This video powerfully and clearly reveals the biblical truth behind apparitions which are being seen around the world - apparitions which many believe to be "the virgin Mary". This video is troubling at times, but very well done. It was actually better than I thought it would be."
(J. L. - MN)
"This DVD started slow when setting the stage/background on the subject of religious sightings of Mother Mary. However, the remainder of the film was worth the wait. I do not have a Catholic background and the information in this film was very helpful in how these events relate to sound biblical teachings and theology. This is an excellent film to have in your collection if you consider yourself a bible student."
(H. N. - MT)
"I gave the DVD 4 stars because it's a unique visual resource addressing the paranormal phenomenon of contemporary, worldwide Marian apparitions. The first section of the DVD alternates between: 1) re-enactments and first-hand interviews with observers of and believers in these apparitions and 2) observers who offer a more skeptical view of the apparitions. Some original footage from events at apparition sites also appears. An interesting, but seemingly less relevant, mid-section reviews multiple fulfilled prophecies concerning Jesus in the Bible. These fulfilled prophecies confirm the accuracy and reliability of the biblical message and of Jesus' unique identity. The conclusion is that Marian apparitions exhibit no similar confirming authority for their proclamations. The closing section contrasts specific biblical revelations with reenacted messages and claims made by various Marian apparitions. The main question answered is, "Do the Marian apparitions pass the biblical test for revelation by conforming to biblical truth?" A bonus 17-minute presentation entitled "The Good Test" is included, which queries people on perceptions of their own goodness and explains the Christian gospel message. The DVD would be most helpful in giving the viewer a general overview of both sides of the apparition issue. Even a grade school age child will be able to understand and ask questions about much of the presented material. The DVD is produced by Protestants and will probably not be as effective in changing the views of those with positive apparition experiences or those with entrenched mindsets on the apparition issue. However, the DVD provides ample information for the thoughtful viewer to consider when evaluating Marian apparitions."
(A. R. - MI)