
Unlocking the Mystery of Life DVD

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The DVD That Presents The Most Compelling Case For INTELLIGENT DESIGN!

Unlocking the Mystery of Life


A convincing and accurate documentary that you will be proud to share with even your most scientifically critical-minded, secular friends
Read what people are saying ]




In 1859, Charles Darwin published, On the Origin of Species . In it, he argued that all of life on earth was the product of undirected natural processes. Time, chance, and natural selection.

Since Darwin, biologists have relied on such processes to account for the origin of living things. Yet today, this approach is being challenged as never before.

Unlocking the Mystery of Life

"Unlocking the Mystery of Life" is the story of top-notch, contemporary scientists who are advancing a powerful idea -- "the theory of intelligent design."

Using state-of-the-art computer animation, "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" transports you into the interior of the living cell to explore systems and machines that bear the unmistakable hallmarks of design. Discover the intricacy of a microscopic bacterial rotary motor, which spins at 100,000 rpm.

Within the nucleus explore the wonder of DNA, a thread-like molecule that stores instructions to build the essential components of every living organism. It is part of a biological information processing system more complex and more powerful than any computer network.

This compelling documentary examines an idea with the power to revolutionize our understanding of life... and to unlock the mystery of its origin.

Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Unlocking the Mystery of Life

Here's what people are saying about "Unlocking the Mystery of Life"...

"The science is solid and the computer animations are superb. Unlocking is a great film."
- Philip S. Skell, Ph.D., Member, National Academy of Sciences, Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University

"Outstanding computer animations. Some of the best Ive ever seen. I am a cell biologist and I want to congratulate you."
- Marvin J. Fritzler, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Calgary

"Its as good as anything Ive seen on NOVA. The program is a delightful presentation that will be of interest to scientists and laymen alike."
- Edward T. Peltzer III, Ph.D., Ocean Chemist

"Extremely thought provoking (and a lot of fun to watch). Unlocking the Mystery of Life highlights the big questions about the origin of life here on earth."
- Guillermo Gonzalez, Ph.D., Astrobiologist, Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Iowa State University

"This video does an excellent job of presenting some of the hot issues in modern biophysics. In recent years we have begun to really understand how the machinery of the cell works and no physicist who has studied this field can avoid a sense of amazement at the delicately balanced designs."
- David Snoke, Ph.D., Co-Director Nanotechnology Center, University of Pittsburg

"It is tremendous! I really enjoyed it."
- Bijan Nemati, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA

"Unlocking the Mystery of Life is a fascinating documentary. Visually stunning. Everything about it was just top notch."
- Art Battson, Executive Producer, University of California TV, Director of Instructional Resources, University of California, Santa Barbara

"Excellent - Brilliant Irrefutable Evidence ...It is an extraordinary production, highly recommended by MOVIEGUIDE."
- Movieguide

Edition Details:


  • 45 minutes of additional bonus materials, including frequently asked questions about Darwinism and intelligent design answered by scientists and an overview of the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands.
  • Documentary video: What Darwin Saw (a close-up look at the remarkable wildlife Charles Darwin encountered on the Galapagos Islands)
  • Video: Darwin and Design: Questions and Answers (scientists and scholars answer frequently asked questions about Darwinism and intelligent design)
  • Recommended Resources (list of recommended books and videos on intelligent design theory and critiques of Darwinism)
  • Scientists & Scholars (text profiles of scientists and scholars interviewed in "Unlocking the Mystery of Life")
  • Recommended for Public School, Private School and Home School use.
  • Ages 10 to adult.
  • AVAILABLE in Chinese and Spanish (click link to see picture)

Customer Reviews:

"Factual, careful, artful exposition of intelligent design. Having followed the intelligent design movement since its inception, most of the material in this video was not new to me. However, the depictions are apt and really awe-inspiring--especially those in the last one third of the video. When you see a computer simulation of specified complexity at the molecular level, it sticks in your consciousness. Sheer dumb luck could not have done this. I have seen this presentation three times. Each time I am impressed with the comments of the experts and the care in which the challenging material is presented. The subject is approached in a calm and scientific manner. The audio clips are long enough to explain tough concepts. Especially telling is the interview with Dr. Dean Kenyon, a prestigious scientist and author who eventually gave up on chance and necessity as the parents of human life--and this after defending it in a well-received volume called "Biochemical Predestination." He marvels at the nature of life and argues that a mindless universe could not have generated it."
(D. G. - CO)

"We thank you for your perseverence in following our Lord's will in producing such exquisitely presented education with a biblical perspective! I am a grandmother of 2, Chloe 5 and Jeremy 4. We have learned so much from each of your previous treasured dvd's (we have them all!). Chloe recognizes and basically understands DNA from your Unlocking The Mystery of Life DVD, and we were all enamored with the Privileged Planet, what a tremendous blessing you all are in His eyes and those that thirsted for such knowledge from our Creator's perspective! Because of your Icons of Evolution and Darwin's Dilemma they are aware of the fallacies and suppositions of the humanist's views...thank you for helping me to educate His precious one's with His Truth revealing the lies that satan plants, YOU ARE ALL LOVED!
(J.B. - CA)

"This DVD is great in every way: 1. It makes a compelling case for intelligent design. The "outboard motor" design in the bacterial cell itself makes the point; the DNA replication is absolutely awe-inspiring. The argument of recognizable patterns (with low probability of such patterns occurring by chance) is simple but forceful and consistent with human logic. 2. The production and computer animation are top-notch. 3. It is understandable to the average person, yet challenging to the intellectual."
(E. V. - IN)

"For what it's worth, I have both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in biology, and have been a professional scientist for almost 15 years. I was not really raised a Christian, and was taught to be a Darwinian evolutionist/atheist in the secular universities that I attended (all scientific theories were to be questioned... except for Darwin's - his theory was off-limits). I now fully understand that Darwin's theory has been "protected" from rigorous scientific scrutiny - because if it were not, it would completely collapse due to lack scientific support for its most basic and fundamental principles. Your productions have played a major role in my understanding of this issue, and my personal journey in discovering the TRUE "origin of species". A weak, pseudo-science challenge to evolution would not have convinced me - but, the science behind your productions is first-rate, and would absolutely survive rigorous scrutiny (it definitely survived mine). Please don't underestimate the impact of your work. You guys are changing minds and hearts. Thank you for what you're doing, and please keep the productions coming...I look forward to adding the next one to my collection. "
(D.S. - CA)

"The case for Intelligent Design compellingly stated! This is outstanding production that allows people who are not biological specialists to understand the technical arguments of intelligent design that are usually beyond the grasp of the laity. It features beautiful computer animations of cellular mechanics, outstanding discussions by leading scientists of the complexity of life and the problems with Darwin's theory. It does an admirable job of keeping the dialogue scientific, there is nothing religious in nature in the presentation and it is equally suitable for showing in both the Church and the public school system. The DVD offers some good bonus footage of scientists answering various questions about evolution and I.D., footage of the Galapagos wildlife that Darwin encountered and list of web and book references to go to for deeper study. All in all a great video to use to make people think a second time about evolutionary theory and the argument for God by design."
(R. W. - WA)

"This is very compelling information for the seeker of truth. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in this issue. I also recommend that this not be the last program viewed, as the intelligent design - evolutionary debate is a complex issue that cannot be decided in the viewing of one video program. However, this is a key piece of the puzzle, and will really engage you with the high-tech graphics and the intellectual thought presented. Most highly recommended."
(J. K. - MN)

Customer Reviews

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5 Reviews

  • 5
    DVD: Unlocking the Mystery of Life

    Posted by Stephen Martin on Apr 7th 2020

    One of the best science videos I've ever seen. It simply let's the facts speak for themselves. Professionally produced in every way, and with outstanding beauty.

  • 5
    Converts Atheists to Truth.

    Posted by Justin Breithaupt on Dec 13th 2019

    I showed this to an Atheist Democrat Evolutionists who is the head of the Democratic Party here, and afterwards he didn't want to discuss evolution or creationism anymore. Great Stuff, never out of date. Great additional features. Arrived on time in the mail, unlike other orders I made to other companies.

  • 5
    Exceptional for Scientific Proof of Creation

    Posted by KIF on Sep 14th 2018

    If you need proof of God creating everything, this is the DVD for you. If you have intelligent skeptics, this is the DVD for them.

    You can't argue with irreducible complexity.

    Well done, and we are thankful it was made.

  • 5
    Excellent Creation Resource

    Posted by Bill Holbert on Mar 15th 2018

    Anyone with an open mind for the truth about evolution needs this resource in their library of science.

    I've had a copy of this resource since it first came out and I refer to it often when debating anti-creationists. Even if you don't engage atheists and evolutionists, this is an excellent resource for helping to understand that evolution is not a viable explanation for origins or diversity of life.
    I highly recommend this resource.

  • 5
    Science is All About Great News

    Posted by RON FABRETTI on Feb 5th 2018

    This DVD continues to stack up stiff improbabilities against Darwinian evolution. Circumstantial science that favors biblical creation is once again plastered everywhere.